Row Row Row your boat

DSCN2592 Coach D learning to a boat

Erin Cafaro 2008 gold medalist was my instructor for a great weekend. It was an incredible opportunity to spend some time in a crew boat. We spent Saturday at San Fransisco CrossFit on the rowing machine and all day Sunday at the Marin county rowing association and in the water at drakes landing.

I now have a much greater understanding of what I am trying to do on the erg and feel confident enough to teach you all some more skills and hope get on the water again some day.

Thank You Erin I had a great time

-coach D


Clean and Jerk


Star Quality

Form or Function

IMG_6899 The midday boys.

Unlike pop culture, at CrossFit we are more impressed with what the body can do than how it looks. A strong body in motion is the more beautiful than a thin body posed and air brushed.  During the air-gasping, grunting, weight-throwing, sweat-flying middle of a workout, the size and shape of our bodies (unless in relation to proper movement) is simply not a focus.  Anyone who is concerned about jiggle during a pull up orworried about whether or not their belly rolls over the waistline during a deadlift isn't working hard enough.  It is true, however, regardless of what your goals are, if you come into the gym and put in the hard work, your body will change.  You will become stronger, faster and fitter.    Looking good just happens to be icing on the cake.

Post thought to comments.



Rest Day

The Local Scene

IMG_7048 Dinner is served.

Today after our 10am classes we will be hosting a nutrition talk at 11:15am. Anyone is welcome. We will look at food from three angles. What is Food? Food as a Drug, and Food in Practice. You will walk away with tools to get your nutrition working for you instead of against you.

Later let's support Ben and Ristorante Avanti at the Swift Street Dinner Market. If your coming make sure to wear your CrossFit Santa Cruz gear and bring your own plates, utensils and glasses.  



For time:

2k Row


IMG_7041 The coaching begins.

If you come to CrossFit Santa Cruz you will be coached. Day in, day out we focus on the basics.  We insist on quality movement and we push the intensity. We aim for personal training in a group environment.  We are a skills based training facility open to anyone willing to work hard.


30 Muscle ups for time


The CrossFit Rowing Foundations Certification is happening this weekend at San Francisco CrossFit. Erin Cafaro, US Rowing Team member and 2008 Gold Medalist, will be coaching the certification. 

What is in Your Salad?

Slug Uninvited dinner guest.

Spend enough time around the gym and you are bound to end up talking about food. Good food, bad food, cheating, zoning, paleo, are all words you may hear thrown around. Have you ever found yourself wondering what its all about?This Saturday Coach D will be giving a talk about nutrition and performance. There will be a sign up at the gym.


3 Rounds of:
Body-weight Back Squats, Max Reps
Rest 5 minutes

Open up

IMG_7008Noon class victims

Tight muscles are common place.  Working on loosening them up is a daily battle.  One key to keep in mind is getting more flexible and creating greater range of motion is a slow arduous process.  Progress is not made in leaps and bounds but with steady, consistent and diligent work.


Workout: "Christine"
3 rounds for time of:
500 meter row
12 Body weight deadlifts
21 Box Jumps


Thursday is not a REST DAY we will be continuing the back squat program. 

Why Technique

IMG_6918 Tyler flying

Everyday your coaches are trying to get you to move better.  We also push you to move faster.  It may seem as though these too aspects are at odds, but they are not.  Better movement leads to fast times.  Faster times lead to more intensity.  More intensity leads to increased fitness.

"Fitness (is) entirely dependent on technique."
Coach Glassman

Technique, Part Ia ...[wmv][mov]
Technique, Part Ib ...[wmv][mov]
Technique, Part II...[wmv][mov]


3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
135 pound overhead squat, 10 reps