One for All


The 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10AM classes all did the same workout today, which included 2 1k rows for time. The best time we saw this morning was Mark Christensen's 3:12. Find out where you rank in rowing on Concept 2's ranking page.
We'd also like to wish Hollis a good trip. He leaves for Bali on Sunday for a month. All we ask Hollis is that you be sure to come back to us.....

1k row for time
Rest 5 min.
10 min. of single arm dumbbell snatch (count reps)
Rest 5 min.
1k row for time

On the dumbbell snatches go from the ground and catch in a full squat. You can alternate arms however you like, and each snatch counts for 1.

Again and Again


Tom Frankl, owner of Play It Again Sports gettin' some.....again.
Tom has supplied Crossfit Santa Cruz with tons of equipment; from kettlebells and dumbbells to chalk, athletic tape and muscle clamps. Thanks Tom, for all you contribute to CFSC.

Run a mile for time
Rest 3 min.
SDHP: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Kettlebell Swing: 3-6-9-12-15-18-21
Rest 3 min.
Run a mile for time

Alternate SDHP and KB swings. Use the kettlebell for the SDHPs and attempt to never put the kettlebell down for the entire workout.

All Gave Some


Thank you to all who participated in and/or donated to the Trevor Win 'E Memorial Day Fundraiser .
Crossfit Santa Cruz raised $4080.
A very special thanks to Jason and Susie Bills and Ronnie and Robin Boose who made extremely generous donations.

Find your max deadlift.
A good rep scheme to ramp up is:
Finish with a max set of push ups: [WMV] [MOV] Make sure you go chest to deck on the bottom of every one, and full lock out at the top.



Susie Peoples does a burpee box jump during Coach Zac Pine's animal of a workout.
Susie competed in the Wildflower Triathlon on May 10th. She said that not only did Crossfit help her prepare physically and mentally for the event, but any given Crossfit class is harder than the 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run.

5 rounds:
250m row
15 burpee box jumps

Burpee box jumps: jump onto the box directly out of the burpee jump and go immediately into the burpee when jumping off of the box

Some Give All


Crossfit Santa Cruz will be closed Monday, May 28th.
We will be running the Trevor Memorial Day Workout
If you haven't signed up already, and would like to participate, please email for more information.

3 rounds for time:
21 hang snatches
3 15ft. rope ascents

If you can, do all rope ascents without feet-even if it takes you a while. If you can't, do all descents without feet, making sure to get full extension in the arm on every arm exchange.

EcStatic Hold


Mary Poteete, Heather MacDougald, Karen Loutzenheiser, Mark Poteete and Ruthie Eillot all holding static.


2k row for time

2min./90sec./1min./30sec. alternating static holds of handstands and squats
Go immediately from handstand to squat and squat to handstand.
Squat must be below parallel and there can be no 'propping'.

Post 2k time to comments.
Which hold was harder?
Commit to practice of both.
For tips on the development of the handstand see: