Sunday, April 9

Sunday, April 9

Closed Today

We hope you enjoy time with your family and friends, and we’ll see you tomorrow!


Final Age Group Quarterfinals Standings

Here they are folks, the final age group quarterfinals standings for our CrossFit Santa Cruz athletes:

Brian O’Regan: 55th (men 60-64)
Joe Barsi: 78th (men 50-54)
Leah Polaski: 248th (women 40-44)
Rob Miller: 257th (men 35-39)

Congrats to everyone!

Tuesday, April 4

Tuesday, April 4


AGQ Test 3

For time: 

50 shuttle runs 
7 rope climbs 
25 bench presses 
7 rope climbs 
50 shuttle runs 

♀ 125-lb bench presses 
♂ 185-lb bench presses 

Time cap: 30 minutes



Big congrats to Joe, Rob, Leah and Brian for completing the Age Group Quarterfinals workouts this weekend. We’ll have updates on their final worldwide standings this week!