Hollis and Claire
1 minute at each station for 2 rounds:
Dunking birds
Box step-ups
1 minute at each station for 4 rounds:
Row or sumo deadlift high pulls
Box jumps
The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) is offering organic blueberries from the UCSC Farm for sale at $36 per flat (contains 12 half pints), with all proceeds going to an organization of your choice working to support Black farmers and gardeners or the Black Lives Matter movement.
To purchase berries, follow these steps:
1. Complete the online order form.
2. Donate the total amount of your purchase directly to one of the following Black-led organizations:
Black Earth Farms (to donate, Venmo @blackearthfarms)
For example, if you wish to purchase one flat of berries, you will donate $36 to an organization listed above. If you wish to purchase two flats, donate $72. You may split your donation between more than one of the listed organizations.
3. Email a copy of your donation receipt to casfs@ucsc.edu.
4. Pick up your berries at the Cowell Ranch Hay Barn at UCSC on your designated day/time. (Distanced, "no-contact" pick-ups will adhere to current social distancing guidelines).
Berries will be available through the month of June, depending on weather and availability.
Questions? Email casfs@ucsc.edu.
Thank you for helping to support Black farmers and food security and the Black Lives Matter movement!