Got Butters?

DianaKip Diana looking fierce

Diana has been working on her butterfly pull up and it is getting better all the time. We were talking the other day and she said; "I just have to make myself do them". That is the cool thing about CrossFit. Whatever you need to work on is going to come out of that hopper eventually. High rep weightlifting? big volume pull ups? Single leg box jumps? Hand stand push up? Squat snatch? Eventually your weakness will be revealed. Make friends with what you are not good at and you will get better at everything. One of my favorite things about competing in CrossFit is the accountability to improve and tackle things I am not good at. If not for that we might do Cindy every day.




For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards


Don't forget about the pumpkin carve and potluck on Sunday at 11:00