Kids often have a capacity to pull and push their own body without much trouble. One of the most glaring differences in adults and kids is the capacity to hang. During our recent BBQ we had some kids around. (Thanks to Jamie and Tony, and Brent for bringing their families). We got the opportunity to watch them uses our pull up structure as a playground. The adults around were all impressed with these kids as they climbed up, down and around with relative ease. Next time your have kids at your box, challenge them to a simple game of "who can stay on the bar the longest". Post results to comments
Reminder: Sign Up for our Ultimate CrossFit Weekend. This is a very rare event, two of the greatest coaches around today are coming to us. Mike Burgener and Kelly Starrett are both monsters in their respective fields, don't miss your chance to spend a weekend with these talented coaches.
3 Rounds for time of:
21 inverted burpees
21 Deadlifts
21 Burpees
21 Overhead Squats
Burpee Challenge: 95 Burpees Today