CrossFit Marina Cert

Level One CrossFit Certification at CrossFit Marina this weekend.

At the end of this month, CrossFit Santa Cruz's own Heather Mac and Hannah H will be taking their Level One CrossFit Certifications. These Certs are full of lecturing, intensive movement and, of course, workouts! Here is the workout that was given on Saturday to the Level One participants.

Team Workout:

Run 400 meters
400 thrusters
Run 400 meters
200 pull-ups
Run 400 meters

This workout is completed as a team of five. Only one team member can be working at a time. During the thrusters, the bar can not touch the ground at anytime. The team can not begin their next exercise until everyone is back form their last run, and the clock does not stop until every team member is back from their final run. Men use 65 pounds, ladies use 45 pounds.