Its beautiful and hot out now and all you want to do is go to the beach, right? Here is a great water workout that you can do with any body of water.
1 round of Tabata squats
1 round of Tabata push-ups
10 50 meter sprints (in the soft sand if possible)
1 round of Tabata squats
1 round of Tabata push-ups
10 50 meter swim sprints
Take as little rest as possible between the different exercises. Rest long enough to catch your breath between sprints, no more than 30 seconds. And, be safe in the water! For those of you who don't know, a Tabata is an interval workout where there are eight rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
How many people would be interested in having our usual Saturday or Sunday 10 AM workout at the beach every once in a while now that the warm weather is upon us? Maybe follow it up with a beach BBQ? Please post ideas to comments.