Leif Edmundson looking better than good on his knees to elbows.
One year ago Leif could only deadlift 65 lbs, barely cleared his head on shoulder rolls and couldn't do an overhead squat with a dowel due to inflexibility. He had only 3 or 4 pull ups and absolutely no ring dips. One year of Crossfitting and Zoning later.....
Leif's deadlift is 300 lbs, he has an overhead squat max of 135 lbs, and a 'Nancy' time just over 18 minutes. He also now has at least 30 pull ups (kipping) and did last week's '30 muscle up' workout in 10:30. Boy, what a year of dedication can do.
Congratulations, Leif. We look forward to logging many more of your accomplishments.
16 round tabata of:
Deadlift (Bodyweight)
L-Pull Ups
Alternate 20 sec. intervals between the two excercises. All reps count. Post total score to comments.