As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20/15 calorie row
15 weighted sit-ups (50/35 lb)
10 dumbbell shoulder-to-overhead (50/35 lb)
We Are Closed Today
We hope you’ve enjoyed time with loved ones. The gym is closed, but we’ll be back in action on Wednesday, December 27!
At-Home Workout
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
12 air squats
12 burpees
Holiday Schedule Reminder
The gym is closed for holidays on the following days:
Tuesday, December 26
Monday, January 1
For time with a partner:
100 box jumps (24/20 in)
100 dumbbell thrusters (35/25 lb)
100 toes-to-bar
100 burpees
One partner works at a time, in “I go; you go” fashion
Holiday Schedule Reminder
The gym will be closed for holidays on the following days:
Sunday, December 24
Monday, December 25
Tuesday, December 26
Monday, January 1
“12 Days of CrossFit Santa Cruz Christmas”
For time:
1 clean and jerk (bodyweight)
2 deadlifts (bodyweight)
3 burpees
4 pull-ups
5 wall balls (20/14 lb)
6 box jumps
7 kettlebell swings (53/35 lb)
8 jumping ring dips
9 push-ups
10 hip extensions
11 GHD sit-ups
12 front squats (bodyweight)
The workout is performed like the 12 Days of Christmas song.