The Rules of the Zone

IMG_4854Bodhi working his jerk with his pants on.

Today's post talks about some of the nitty gritty of the Zone. Below are some simple rules to follow in order to stay in the Zone. Each of the rules are important and play a role in getting you balanced.  Take them all seriously.

1. Eat within 1 hr of waking up.

2. No more than 5 blocks at a meal.

3. No more than 5 hours without a meal or snack.

4. Eat a snack 1 hr before sleep.

Important notes about supplements and modifications.

1. If you are lean enough to see your abdominal muscles, multiply your fat blocks for the day by 2-5x the regular amount.
2. If you are pregnant, nursing, pubescent or wary of restricting your food intake due to any other legitimate reason then do not restrict the number of blocks you eat in the day. Just be sure each time you eat you get a balance of the three macro nutrients.
3. Omega 3 Fish oil may assist in sticking with the Zone.


This Saturday at 11:30am until 1:30pm we have reserved the kitchen at New Leaf to hold a Zone Implementation Class.  It will be a hands on demonstration of how to plan and execute the Zone. Please post to comments to RSVP.


Rest Day

The Rules of the Zone

IMG_4854Bodhi working his jerk with his pants on.

Today's post talks about some of the nitty gritty of the Zone. Below are some simple rules to follow in order to stay in the Zone. Each of the rules are important and play a role in getting you balanced.  Take them all seriously.

1. Eat within 1 hr of waking up.

2. No more than 5 blocks at a meal.

3. No more than 5 hours without a meal or snack.

4. Eat a snack 1 hr before sleep.

Important notes about supplements and modifications.

1. If you are lean enough to see your abdominal muscles, multiply your fat blocks for the day by 2-5x the regular amount.
2. If you are pregnant, nursing, pubescent or wary of restricting your food intake due to any other legitimate reason then do not restrict the number of blocks you eat in the day. Just be sure each time you eat you get a balance of the three macro nutrients.
3. Omega 3 Fish oil may assist in sticking with the Zone.


This Saturday at 11:30am until 1:30pm we have reserved the kitchen at New Leaf to hold a Zone Implementation Class.  It will be a hands on demonstration of how to plan and execute the Zone. Please post to comments to RSVP.


Rest Day

Block Head

Coach D

Today's post is a resource for understanding the "block" system of measuring food.The quantity of macro nutrients that we eat directly effects our hormones. The zone is a way of balancing your proteins, carbohydrate, and fats and in turn your hormones.

FIND YOUR BLOCK PRESCRIPTION HERE People who are using CrossFit as their sole fitness regimin get to enter a 0-3 for activity level because of the short durattion of our workouts. If you do other activities or sports you may go as high as 5. None of us are 7's (think "tour de farance").

Each member of the gym will have different block prescription, just like each of you have different modifications for the workout. It takes precision in the measurements to get a correct prescription.

"All you have to do is keep the balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in a 1:1:1 balance eat every meal and snack.  You have an infinite number of choices, all based on foods you like to eat and, therefore, will eat....For starters, just remember this little rhyme which says: Protein moves around, and carbohydrate grow in the ground" - Barry Sears



7 rounds for time of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull 12 reps
12 Ring dips

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/6:50 = 135/410 = .329 pounds per second.


Block Head

Coach D

Today's post is a resource for understanding the "block" system of measuring food.The quantity of macro nutrients that we eat directly effects our hormones. The zone is a way of balancing your proteins, carbohydrate, and fats and in turn your hormones.

FIND YOUR BLOCK PRESCRIPTION HERE People who are using CrossFit as their sole fitness regimin get to enter a 0-3 for activity level because of the short durattion of our workouts. If you do other activities or sports you may go as high as 5. None of us are 7's (think "tour de farance").

Each member of the gym will have different block prescription, just like each of you have different modifications for the workout. It takes precision in the measurements to get a correct prescription.

"All you have to do is keep the balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in a 1:1:1 balance eat every meal and snack.  You have an infinite number of choices, all based on foods you like to eat and, therefore, will eat....For starters, just remember this little rhyme which says: Protein moves around, and carbohydrate grow in the ground" - Barry Sears



7 rounds for time of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull 12 reps
12 Ring dips

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/6:50 = 135/410 = .329 pounds per second.


Macro Nutrients

Megan workingout at 6am

Remember the first time you deadlifted, snatched or clean and jerked? Did it feel natural?  Was it easy to get your first pull-up? Probably not. It was most likely somewhat foreign.  Thoughts like  "What am I doing?" and "Why is it good for me?" may have entered your mind.

With the announcement of of the "Win, Win, Win" Event there has been a lot of chatter around the gym about nutrition and some of the same questions came up. "Why should I do this?" "Is this good for me?" So we would like to clear a few things up. The point of the event is to have a hands-on learning experience focused on the importance of eating a balance of macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat). And to discover how using food to balance your hormones has a positive effect on your health, your body composition, and ultimately your performance. It is an opportunity for all of us to experiment with looking at what we eat using precision and accuracy to better our health and fitness, together as a community.



7 rounds for time of:
Push-jerk 10 reps
10 Pull-ups

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/6:39 = 135/399 = .338 pounds per second.

Macro Nutrients

Megan workingout at 6am

Remember the first time you deadlifted, snatched or clean and jerked? Did it feel natural?  Was it easy to get your first pull-up? Probably not. It was most likely somewhat foreign.  Thoughts like  "What am I doing?" and "Why is it good for me?" may have entered your mind.

With the announcement of of the "Win, Win, Win" Event there has been a lot of chatter around the gym about nutrition and some of the same questions came up. "Why should I do this?" "Is this good for me?" So we would like to clear a few things up. The point of the event is to have a hands-on learning experience focused on the importance of eating a balance of macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat). And to discover how using food to balance your hormones has a positive effect on your health, your body composition, and ultimately your performance. It is an opportunity for all of us to experiment with looking at what we eat using precision and accuracy to better our health and fitness, together as a community.



7 rounds for time of:
Push-jerk 10 reps
10 Pull-ups

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/6:39 = 135/399 = .338 pounds per second.

Preparing to Enter the Zone

Coach D setting the stage.

Today is the first day of "resource" posts for the "All we do is Win, Win, Win" event. Each day this week will offer some resources to help everyone get set up and ready to start the 14 days of zoning on Saturday.

"Diet is paramount to optimizing human performance. Our clinical experience proves the Zone Diet, by Dr. Barry Sears is the best nutritional model for optimal performance. Issue 21 of the Crossfit Journal offers a comprehensive overview and start-up guide for implementing the Zone Diet. Included within you will find definitions, charts and recipes.The Zone Diet amplifies and accelerates the benefits of the CrossFit regimen. CrossFit’s best performers are Zoning. When our second tier athletes commit to “strict” adherence to Zone parameters they quickly surpass their peers."

- Zone Meal Plans by Greg Glassman Preparing



7 rounds for time of:
Hang squat clean 15 reps
15 Push-ups

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/7:12 = 135/432 = .313 pounds per second.

Preparing to Enter the Zone

Coach D setting the stage.

Today is the first day of "resource" posts for the "All we do is Win, Win, Win" event. Each day this week will offer some resources to help everyone get set up and ready to start the 14 days of zoning on Saturday.

"Diet is paramount to optimizing human performance. Our clinical experience proves the Zone Diet, by Dr. Barry Sears is the best nutritional model for optimal performance. Issue 21 of the Crossfit Journal offers a comprehensive overview and start-up guide for implementing the Zone Diet. Included within you will find definitions, charts and recipes.The Zone Diet amplifies and accelerates the benefits of the CrossFit regimen. CrossFit’s best performers are Zoning. When our second tier athletes commit to “strict” adherence to Zone parameters they quickly surpass their peers."

- Zone Meal Plans by Greg Glassman Preparing



7 rounds for time of:
Hang squat clean 15 reps
15 Push-ups

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/7:12 = 135/432 = .313 pounds per second.

The Win, Win, Win Event

Here is how it will work.

  1. We will commit to doing the zone diet precisely for two weeks. If after that time you don’t like it or don’t want to do it anymore you can bail out guilt free and you win. You just have to stick to it for two weeks no breaks. Sounds simple, but it is not easy.
  2. You will need measuring cups and spoons, a food scale, and a good shopping list.
  3. You will need to take a photo of yourself in your underwear for your self (not public)
  4. You will need to take your measurements and record your body weight.
  5. Then all you have to do is weigh and measure your food and stick to your block prescription and you WIN!

The Win, Win, Win Event

Here is how it will work.

  1. We will commit to doing the zone diet precisely for two weeks. If after that time you don’t like it or don’t want to do it anymore you can bail out guilt free and you win. You just have to stick to it for two weeks no breaks. Sounds simple, but it is not easy.
  2. You will need measuring cups and spoons, a food scale, and a good shopping list.
  3. You will need to take a photo of yourself in your underwear for your self (not public)
  4. You will need to take your measurements and record your body weight.
  5. Then all you have to do is weigh and measure your food and stick to your block prescription and you WIN!