Preparing to Enter the Zone

Coach D setting the stage.

Today is the first day of "resource" posts for the "All we do is Win, Win, Win" event. Each day this week will offer some resources to help everyone get set up and ready to start the 14 days of zoning on Saturday.

"Diet is paramount to optimizing human performance. Our clinical experience proves the Zone Diet, by Dr. Barry Sears is the best nutritional model for optimal performance. Issue 21 of the Crossfit Journal offers a comprehensive overview and start-up guide for implementing the Zone Diet. Included within you will find definitions, charts and recipes.The Zone Diet amplifies and accelerates the benefits of the CrossFit regimen. CrossFit’s best performers are Zoning. When our second tier athletes commit to “strict” adherence to Zone parameters they quickly surpass their peers."

- Zone Meal Plans by Greg Glassman Preparing



7 rounds for time of:
Hang squat clean 15 reps
15 Push-ups

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/7:12 = 135/432 = .313 pounds per second.