It's About Us

IMG_4812Saturday class off for a run.

Everyone comes to CrossFit for their own reasons.  We are a collection of athletes of mixed ages and backgrounds and of varying fitness levels and goals. However each day we come to the gym we find commonality in the movements, the difficulty and the triumph over the workout of the day in the same way. That commonality is what binds us together as a community.  Next Saturday the 15th we will embark on 14 days of camaraderie and group effort. We will commit to spending 14 days in the Zone together. The hope is to inspire us individually by joining in a united effort. 



Rest Day

It's About Us

IMG_4812Saturday class off for a run.

Everyone comes to CrossFit for their own reasons.  We are a collection of athletes of mixed ages and backgrounds and of varying fitness levels and goals. However each day we come to the gym we find commonality in the movements, the difficulty and the triumph over the workout of the day in the same way. That commonality is what binds us together as a community.  Next Saturday the 15th we will embark on 14 days of camaraderie and group effort. We will commit to spending 14 days in the Zone together. The hope is to inspire us individually by joining in a united effort. 



Rest Day

Reaching Your Potential

Rose, Katy, Danielle, Cara and Laurie.

When you start CrossFit you may not know it but you are starting a program designed to increase your work capacity. If you do it often enough and with enough precision you are bound to improve at everything. The same is true of your diet. You may not believe it or understand it yet but if you do the zone diet with precision for long enough you will see tremendous results physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Starting in one week we will embark on a challenge that we can all win. A challenge that we can all do together. It will not matter how long you have been a member and it will not matter what your goals are as an athlete. We are calling it the “all we do is win win win challenge.”

Here is how it will work.

  1. We will commit to doing the zone diet precisely for two weeks. If after that time you don’t like it or don’t want to do it anymore you can bail out guilt free and you win. You just have to stick to it for two weeks no breaks. Sounds simple, but it is not easy.
  2. You will need measuring cups and spoons, a food scale, and a good shopping list.
  3. You will need to take a photo of yourself in your underwear for your self (not public)
  4. You will need to take your measurements and record your body weight.
  5. Then all you have to do is weigh and measure your food and stick to your block prescription and you WIN!


Athlete Achievement:

Tyler Hinz 57" Jump


Workout: "Dan"

Four rounds for time of:
Overhead squat 21 reps
Run 400 meters

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/13:05 = 135/785 = .172 pounds per second.

Reaching Your Potential

Rose, Katy, Danielle, Cara and Laurie.

When you start CrossFit you may not know it but you are starting a program designed to increase your work capacity. If you do it often enough and with enough precision you are bound to improve at everything. The same is true of your diet. You may not believe it or understand it yet but if you do the zone diet with precision for long enough you will see tremendous results physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Starting in one week we will embark on a challenge that we can all win. A challenge that we can all do together. It will not matter how long you have been a member and it will not matter what your goals are as an athlete. We are calling it the “all we do is win win win challenge.”

Here is how it will work.

  1. We will commit to doing the zone diet precisely for two weeks. If after that time you don’t like it or don’t want to do it anymore you can bail out guilt free and you win. You just have to stick to it for two weeks no breaks. Sounds simple, but it is not easy.
  2. You will need measuring cups and spoons, a food scale, and a good shopping list.
  3. You will need to take a photo of yourself in your underwear for your self (not public)
  4. You will need to take your measurements and record your body weight.
  5. Then all you have to do is weigh and measure your food and stick to your block prescription and you WIN!


Athlete Achievement:

Tyler Hinz 57" Jump


Workout: "Dan"

Four rounds for time of:
Overhead squat 21 reps
Run 400 meters

Post load and time as pounds per second. Example, 135/13:05 = 135/785 = .172 pounds per second.

It's Magic

Lucas box jumping.

CrossFit works.  "How it works" or "why it works" is not as important as "that is works". Do the food, come in regularly and you will get fit.  It's not a complicated approach, albeit a challenging one. Making change isn't magic it's just plain hard work.



For 60 minutes:

Practice Backwards roll to support on the rings

Programming note.  We will also be running an obstacle course!

It's Magic

Lucas box jumping.

CrossFit works.  "How it works" or "why it works" is not as important as "that is works". Do the food, come in regularly and you will get fit.  It's not a complicated approach, albeit a challenging one. Making change isn't magic it's just plain hard work.



For 60 minutes:

Practice Backwards roll to support on the rings

Programming note.  We will also be running an obstacle course!

The Position

Amy sitting tall on the rower.

We often talk about spinal positioning.  We aim to get all of our athletes to understand how to maintain a rigid torso while performing functional movements.  This neutral spine position is often confusing for beginning athletes. To keep it simple Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli have coined the phrase "The Position".  The idea is that no matter the movement, your spine should remain stable.  Snatching is no different that a muscle up, and running is no different that rowing. 


Workout: "Diane"

Handstand Push-up

The Position

Amy sitting tall on the rower.

We often talk about spinal positioning.  We aim to get all of our athletes to understand how to maintain a rigid torso while performing functional movements.  This neutral spine position is often confusing for beginning athletes. To keep it simple Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli have coined the phrase "The Position".  The idea is that no matter the movement, your spine should remain stable.  Snatching is no different that a muscle up, and running is no different that rowing. 


Workout: "Diane"

Handstand Push-up