
IMG_9804 Dustin flying up the rope.

The rope climb has been a common piece of CrossFit programing since the beginning. This year the final workout in the CrossFit Games involved a 20 ft rope climb and the ability to climb the rope played significant role in determining this years winners.

Did you know that Rope Climbing once was an Olympic sport?



Front squat 3-3-3 reps
3 sets max pull-ups
How many rounds can you complete in 15 minutes of:
Front squat 95 pounds, 10 reps
12 Pull-ups

Eyes On!

IMG_9845 Olivia with a great receiving position.

During the affiliate challenge on Saturday, one of the workouts was find a 1RM Snatch.  The day was filled with personal records.  If you PR'd your snatch post thoughts to comments. Also, if you saw a PR that impressed you post to comments.



Clean 3-3-3 reps
3 sets max push-ups
How many rounds can you complete in 15 minutes of:
Clean 95 pounds, 10 reps
15 Push-ups

Post load for cleans, reps for push-ups, and number of rounds completed in 15 minutes to comments


CrossFit Santa Cruz represents.

Yesterday we participated in the 2nd annual Santa Cruz affiliate challenge hosted by CrossFit Santa Cruz Central.  The atmosphere was that of a family get together.  Everything went smoothly and fun was had by all.  A special thanks needs to be given to Annie Sakamoto for putting on the event.

Each of our teams competed with heart and Suzanne stood out as an inspiration to all. 

The Results:

Rx'd Division:

1st - CrossFit Santa Cruz
2nd - CrossFit Santa Cruz
3rd - CrossFit North Santa Cruz

Intermediate Division

1st - CrossFit North Santa Cruz
2nd - CrossFit Santa Cruz
3rd - CrossFit Santa Cruz

Master's Division:

1st - CrossFit Santa Cruz Central
2nd - CrossFit West Santa Cruz
3rd - CrossFit 831



Get your name on the whiteboard!

It's On

IMG_9709 Will enjoying a run in the evening sun.

Today 25 athletes from our little gym will join over 100 other athletes at CrossFit Santa Cruz Central for the 2nd annual Santa Cruz affiliate challenge.  Festivities start at 8am and will last all day.  Our teams will be competing in 3 team events.  (The Last three days of programming).Come and support our teams and the rest of the Santa Cruz affiliate community.



Rest Day


Schedule notice:


Let the Fun Begin

IMG_9174_2Diana with solid position.

This weekend we will be attending the 2nd annual Santa Cruz affiliate challenge.  We will be sending 25 athletes.  2 teams in the Rx'd Division and 2 teams in the Intermediate Division and one Masters athletes. 

The Teams are:

Master: Suzanne

Intermediate: Kyle, Tommy, Angel M, Bailey, Megan C, and Nicole

Intermediate: Kai, Kevin, Scott, Anne, KK, and Kristy

Rx'd: Lucas, Dave, Jonji, Laurie, Gilly, Danielle

Rx'd: Jesse, Tyler, Dustin, Olivia, Cara, Katy

The event starts at 8am all athletes judges and volunteers need to arrive at 7:30

If you want to carpool you need to meet at the gym at 7:00 or arrange with people who live near you in the comments.

Dinner at Carpos after the event is over





Up Right

IMG_9427 Great bottom position

Achieving a squat like this can take years of diligence. To get your torso this up right takes well developed musculature of the legs and spine as well as solid neurological awareness, with time and practice anyone can develop a good squat. Once you think you know how to squat, address it again and again over time.



10 min. running clock. 1 male and 1 female teammate run 400m while 1 male and 1 female teammate perform as many man eaters as possible until teammate returns. Repeat until 10 min. is up. Only 1 male and 1 female can be running or doing man eaters at a time. Male and male switch roles and female and female switch roles. The male and female do NOT need to stay together. Reps will only count if 400m run is completed. In other words, if one teammate comes in after the 10 min. clock their teammates reps will not be counted.

Summertime Funtime!


IMG_9537  Hollis Mashing Cara's quads.

Taking care of your body takes a lot of work. I recommend coming in a few minutes early and staying a few minutes late and developing some pre and post workout rituals that will help you recover faster and perform better.


This weekend is the the local affiliate challenge at CrossFit Santa Cruz Central  


For time:
15 Handstand push-ups
30 Pull-ups
12 Handstand push-ups
24 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups

Coming Up