Diana with solid position.
This weekend we will be attending the 2nd annual Santa Cruz affiliate challenge. We will be sending 25 athletes. 2 teams in the Rx'd Division and 2 teams in the Intermediate Division and one Masters athletes.
The Teams are:
Master: Suzanne
Intermediate: Kyle, Tommy, Angel M, Bailey, Megan C, and Nicole
Intermediate: Kai, Kevin, Scott, Anne, KK, and Kristy
Rx'd: Lucas, Dave, Jonji, Laurie, Gilly, Danielle
Rx'd: Jesse, Tyler, Dustin, Olivia, Cara, Katy
The event starts at 8am all athletes judges and volunteers need to arrive at 7:30
If you want to carpool you need to meet at the gym at 7:00 or arrange with people who live near you in the comments.
Dinner at Carpos after the event is over