Orange Ya Glad?
America's Most Beautiful
One of the world's most beautiful people on "America's Most Beautiful Ride".
Helene Bouchard recently completed this 72 mile ride around gorgeous Lake Tahoe. She enjoyed the view while ascending 2600ft! It's not only the views that are inspiring, Helene, it's you too.
3 rounds for time:
30 Box Jumps
21 KBS
12 Pull Ups
(Thanks, Mark. I always appreciate good workout ideas!)
A combination of practice and major focus has proven to be effective in developing Marilyn Calciano's squat.
For ALL of us the squat is a work in progress and takes YEARS to perfect. As simple as it seems, it is important to remember to constantly and thoughtfully practice the squat.
Squat Therapy [WMV]
4 Rounds:
Run 800m for time
4 sets of Tabata Squats
Rest 3 min. before starting next round
4 sets of Tabata Squats=20 sec. of work/10 sec. of rest x4
(NOT 4 full tabatas)
Luge It or Lose It
Caroline Marani training at Crossfit Santa Cruz. Caroline, who is still in high school, has been training in Lake Placid, New York the past two winters in hopes of making the USA National Luge Team and eventually the Olympics.
7 rounds:
Deadlift/Hang Squat Clean/Push Press/Back Squat/Push Jerk
From the top of the deadlift, hang squat clean the bar and then go directly into the push press. From the push press put the bar onto your back and back squat it. Push jerk the bar from your back to make one. Repeat 6 more times to equal one round. Attempt to add weight each round.
Holy Flying Nun
Sister Rosamaria Con Suelo del Sassy, otherwise known as Rosemary Sarka, doing a modified knees to elbows.
100 Squats
Back Extensions: 50-40-30-20-10
Knees to Elbows: 25-20-15-10-5
100 Squats
Alternate the Back Extensions and Knees to Elbows.
Fit is It
Suzanne mid thruster.
When Suzanne first came to Crossfit she told us that she wanted one of those 'celebrity' bodies. Now she has multiple pull ups and looks meaner and leaner than most celebs.
Since joining Crossfit has your idea of what a 'nice' body is changed?
5 rounds:
10 body weight back squats
2 rope climbs
If you cannot do body weight on the back squats, try for 3/4 or 1/2 body weight.
Jennifer Antrim and Sabrina Delk (top) doing seated shoulder presses.
Deb Katz and Dolly Peck (bottom) doing assisted Handstand Push Ups.
More handstand push up variations: HSPU Variations [WMV]
Box Jumps: 35-30-25-20-15-10-5
HSPU: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14
Alternate Box Jumps and Handstand Push Ups. If you cannot do handstand push ups try one of the variations in the photos or video.
Dip Drive Press
Sage Burgener of Mike's Gym demonstrates the push press.
Push Press Video MOV WMV
Push Press:
The goal is to find your max 3 rep push press.
Austin Swift (left) and Michael Norteye (right) warming up while working out with Jason 'J-Dogg' Highbarger.
These two gentlemen are state champs. Can you name the sport and team they played for?
(Hint: the season was '04-'05.)
Run 800m for time
Rest 5 min.
21 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups
Rest. 3 min.
30 Pull Ups
21 Thrusters
Rest 5 min.
Run 800m for time