Age-Group Semifinals Test 3A and 3B
Test 3A
5 intervals of 2 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest:
7 deadlifts (185/135)
5 cleans
3 shoulder-to-overheads
Score is total reps
Test 3B
After the final 1 minute of rest in 3A, athletes have 5 minutes to establish a max freestanding handstand hold in a 4 ft x 4 ft box.
Score is total time
Nutrition Strategies and Tactics
Join Coach Leah for Nutrition 102, where she’ll cover basic principles of nutrition, as well as various strategies and tactics. There will also be time for Q&A.
When: Saturday, April 29 at 10:15 a.m.
Where: CrossFit Santa Cruz
How: Sign up in advance on Pike13 (preferred) or just show up