CrossFit Kids
We are starting to slowly incorporate in-person classes back into the schedule. Beginning on Monday, we will have in-person classes at 6 a.m., 7:15 a.m., 12 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Classes will be limited and you must register if you would like to participate. These will continue every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In addition, we will continue Zoom classes Monday through Friday at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m., concurrent with the classes at the gym.
3 rounds:
2 minutes of rowing*
2 minutes of general prep**
*If at home, 1 round each of box step-up, burpee, single-under
**If at home, shoulder roll hang up on pull-up bar, groiner, arm swing, and squat
1 minute on/1 minute off for 16 minutes:
5 strict pull-ups
7 push presses (95/65 lb.)
Max air squats
Home Workout
1 minute on/1 minute off for 16 minutes:
5 bench rows on right arm/5 bench rows on left arm
7 push presses
Max air squats