Fran is one of the most notorious workouts. Kelsey K wrote about her experience yesterday.
"The first time I did Fran, it took me a very long time to finish. Even my lucky Spice Girls T-shirt couldn’t help me. But I told myself it was okay because I’m terrible at thrusters and was doing the workout as prescribed, which was a huge feat for me.
So today, when I saw that I would be playing with that cold-hearted beezy Fran again, my mind raced with thoughts. Could I beat my old time? How much worse of a time could I get? Can I do the thrusters as prescribed (coming off a small injury)? Should I have had more bacon for breakfast? The bacon question was obviously the most critical one.
Coach D told me there was no reason not to do it as prescribed, and if it took me a half hour, well then, so be it. Even though I planned out this Fran smarter and felt better, my time increased. Say whaaa?! I know, I just really enjoy being the last one to finish the workout; I just want everyone to feel good about their own fitness; I’m generous like that. The class probably could have gone out to breakfast and come back and I would still be working on those darn thrusters.
Everyone else had finished while I was just starting my last round, but they continued to cheer me on. And afterward, people told me what a great job I had done. And no matter how many self-deprecating jokes I tried to make, people were so supportive about my time.
And I went home and kept thinking how amazing CrossFit is because even though I had done the worst out of everyone and was having a major strugglefest in the corner, I heard the most about how good of a job I had done (probably because everyone is so tired of telling Cary how good of an athlete he is. Jeez Cary, we get it, you have a lot of fitness. Go eat a donut.)
How cool is CrossFit that when people are having a hard time, we commend them the most? And when we witness people grapple with their weaknesses, we tell them how proud we are for keeping in the game mentally and pushing through it. Our community recognizes that it takes chutzpah when they continue to fight.
I could not do half the shit we do without all of you. It is our community that pushes to reach higher and go further. And we have such an amazing box that rallies around our members through hard times and hard workouts. You guys rock!"
- Kelsey K
Sumo-deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps