All of the Festivus Poles were fantastic this year. After some serious deiberation, honorary judge Chris Cobb went for disco, with Jack the Pumpkin King in a close second. An honorable mention also went out to the 5:30 grinches, for their creative half-assing.
CFSC 12 Days of Christmas
1 Bodyweight Clean and jerk
2 Bodyweight Deadlifts
3 Burpees
4 Pull-ups
5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
6 Box jumps, 24" box
7 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
8 Jumping ring dip
9 Push-ups
10 Hip extensions
11 GHD Sit-ups
12 Bodyweight Front squats
The workout is done like the 12 Days of Christmas song.
Check out the video of the workout from 2008.
Holiday Schedule:
Christmas Eve - 8am, 10am and 3pm
Closed Christmas Day
Wednesday-Friday - 8am, 10am and 3pm
Saturday-Sunday - 8am, 10am
New Year's Eve - 8am, 10am and 3pm
New Year's Day - 10am