Hanging On

IMG_5947Laurie's grip test.

"Helen" was a workout that recently came up. Judging from the whiteboard, most of you did it -- some of you may have even PR'd. I didn't. I finished a whole minute and 27 seconds behind my best time. Why? It's not because I've been training less frequently or eating poorly. It isn't because I've been getting less sleep or my stress levels have been rising. It's because I stopped -- several times -- during that particular workout. Aside from bad technique, to stop moving is the worst thing one can do during a CrossFit workout, where every single repetition matters and every second counts. There is no reason to put your hands on your knees and gasp for air (you're not going to die) or look up to the sky in tortured exasperation (God's not going to help you). Unless you are injured, there is no reason to stop moving.

I did "Helen" with Lucas -- one of our best athletes. A diehard competitor, he always trains with high intensity, and many of his movements are supremely efficient. But most importantly, you will almost never see him stop moving. To stop moving is to imply giving up. In CrossFit, you are your own toughest competition. When your mind wants your body to quit, remember that most of you are capable of pushing your bodies much further than you think.

- Dahlberg


Workout: "Christine"

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlift
21 Box jump