
IMG_4643Ice on the quads.Using ice after intense activity is a perfect combination.  It helps the body repair itself.

Yesterday some of us went to the NorCal Open Recovery workout at NorCal CrossFit. Teams from all over northern California gathered to participate in a fun, competive event.  With four teams competing and a bunch of supporters we represented CrossFit Santa Cruz well.  Congratulations to Sean F, Scott A, Hanna O, and Kelsey J for winning the intermediate division.  You guys killed it!

Hats off to Extreme Norcal(Neil, Miranda, Brooke and Garrett) on winning the RX'd division 

Thanks to Pat and Taz and the whole Khalipa Inc Crew.  You guys know how to do it.



Clean & Jerk



SCHEDULE NOTICE:  Wednesday the 18th there will be NO 10am, Noon or 3pm.

6am,7am,8am and the 5:30pm, 6:30pm will run as normal.