
IMG_2603 Ruti, open shoulders, legs extended and tight, mid-line rigid. What more could you ask for, beautiful.

Yesterdays workout involved the overhead squat and the muscle up, two difficult movements that both require a substantial amount of flexibility and strength. The two movements elude many a CrossFitter. When I started CrossFit almost eight years ago I could not overhead squat the empty bar, I did not have a pull up or a dip let alone a muscle up and had no mind to achieve either one. Somewhere over the years I learned that those skills were valuable pieces of fitness and started to believe I might be able to get there. Steady progress over the years, good coaching, attention to detail, hard work, and the decision that I was capable made it so I could do the workout yesterday without modification.

- coach D



For time
Run 800 meters
95 pound Shoulder press, 15 reps
Run 800 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Run 800 meters
155 pound Jerk, 15 reps