Kyle working hard.
Mary Conover's newest article may be a bit late, however the facts are very exciting.
Read excerpt below,
"When police officers are called out to subdue an aggressively violent individual who is destroying property and is a serious physical threat to those in the vicinity, they respond to the call knowing from the report that they are probably going to encounter a case of excited delirium, a condition in which death is imminent with or without police intervention, but all the same leaving police officers vulnerable to lawsuit. This article has been sparked and has taken life from the mortality review by Mash et al1 published by Forensic Science International in June 2009. The authors of the landmark study, a group of scientists from Miami, Fl; Berkeley, CA; Stockholm, Sweden; and Suffolk County, NY, showed that a 2-protein biomarker signature, when combined with a description of the decedent’s behavior prior to death, serves as a reliable forensic tool for an autopsy identification of excited delirium, a syndrome known to be a terminal event. The depth and breadth of the work involved is revealed in the acknowledgment by the authors of the cooperation of the many physician medical examiners and death investigators from throughout the United States and Europe who are involved in medicolegal investigations of excited delirium deaths. There were 90 cases studied, with 10 more added since publication. The findings and on-going studies give hope to police officers everywhere who are innocent targets when violently aggressive cases of excited delirium die in custody."
Read her complete article "FATAL EXCITED DELIRIUM" in Conover's Corner
Workout: "Nate"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 (2-Pood) Kettlebell swings