Rx'd Champions

DSC07501 Four of Six.

Congratulations to all of our teams!  You all represented us well. Lucas, Amy, Tyler, Cara, Dave and Gilly won the Rx'd Division.  Tyler, Dave, Amy and Gilly all set PRs on the Clean and Jerk with 229,245,123, 145 respectively.  Sonny was a stand out in the intermediate division putting together two outstanding performances and leading his team to a respectable finish.  Diana was our anchor leg and completed all three workouts, with a smile of course.  The master team represented us well finishing in 3rd place.  Beth S., Mel and Sharon all PR'd on max deadlift x3 with 170lbs and 185lbs respectively!

The winning team in each division was awarded a Kettlebell trophy.  Each trophy stays at the winning gym until the next Santa Cruz Affiliate Competition. 

The final results are:

Masters Division: CrossFit Santa Cruz Central

Intermediate Division: CrossFit North Santa Cruz

Rx'd Division: CrossFit Santa Cruz


Workout: "Quarter Gone Bad"

Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

Post total reps for all five rounds.