Stephen standing tall.
In round 4 of "Nancy" Stephen remains calm, focused, unphased. As we have said before, he learned the kip the first day and the muscle up on day two. Now that he has been doing CrossFit for only a few months, he is logging some incredible times. Today he completed his first "Nancy" in 13:44. True to his style, he then left the gym with very little celebration. The truth about Stephen is... he has several of the qualities of a high level CrossFitter. He is athletic, composed and freakishly strong. We look forward to watching his progress.
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Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
20 reps each:
Row calories
20lb wall ball shot
75lb SDHP
Box jump
75lb push press
1 minute rest
3 rounds for time
Courtesy of Jimi Lectchford
CrossFit Risk Retention Group