
DSC03050 Jesse teaches his athletes the deadlift.

One of the greatest things about CrossFit is there is no end to our development. We start all of our athletes with the basics, the squat, deadlift and press. Athletes then move on to more complicated movements and heavier loads each at their own pace. Learning new skill and drills is an essential part of our training. Never being content with where we are as athletes is what keeps us moving in the right direction. We are always training today with an eye on the future. Take the time now to learn something new or get better at something old and you will progress. Remember a little change now makes big changes down the road. What's your current skill nemesis? What are you doing to get the better of it?
Athlete Achievement
Ryan's Muscle Up 

Coach D's Muscle Up
Workout:  Complete as many rounds as you can in thirty minutes of:
Five pull-ups
Five ring dips
15 Sit-ups

Remember to RSVP for Hula's on Saturday.
Festivities start at 6pm.