Working Together

DSC02255Coach D and Hollis deadlifting.

This year at the 2009 CrossFit Games there will be an affiliate team competition. If you want to represent we will be accepting volunteers and nominations.  We want to send a team of athletes that can work as team.  Than means we are not necessarily looking for the top seed,  but we are looking for commitment and enthusiasm.

If you want to be considered for the affiliate team, the rules are simple. Log in and register at the CrossFit Leaderboard. Log all of your workouts. Registration is not open until June so there will be time to assemble and train as a team.

This weekend is SLUGFEST come out and support the USCS Women's Water Polo Team. This may be there only home tournament this year so don't miss your chance to see these outstanding athletes in there domain. It is sure to be a great weekend.

10 rounds of:
100 meter sprint
Rest as needed
Shoulder Press
SCHEDULE NOTICE: There will be no class this Saturday.
Instead come out to SLUGFEST and support the USCS
Women's Water Polo Team.