Fast, Faster, Fastest

DSC02109 Leif loving the thruster.

This week we ran a workout given to us by Ronnie from CFNSC. It consisted of a couplet of thruster and rowing. The repercussions were noticeable. Most athletes that tackled the WOD finished in a pile of sweat, with shaking legs. Some athletes had to step outside in hopes of preventing uncle pukie from showing up. Luckily we all made it out unscathed. The weights on the dumbbells varied as well as the times. Most of us were in the 7-10 minute range. The standouts were Pat with an amazing 4:20 and Olivia with a 8:20. The bar was set high but was not high enough. A day late Cave Dave came in and finished in 4:03. We didn't get Dave's attempt on video unfortunately, but we did happen to get Pat and Boz going head to head.
WOD Video
Workout 5 rounds of:
225 pound Deadlift, max reps
Push-up, max reps
Rest 3 minutes.