Honest Work

DSC00157Melissa finishing the burpee.

Every CrossFit athlete will meet Fran, if they haven't yet. There are a number of storms, named workouts and hero workouts. Often one of these workouts that leaves its mark more than any other.  This, of course, can be a different workout for each athlete. What is your favorite/most feared WOD?

In the WOD Video today, an unnamed workout, see if you can spot what made this workout so hard. (hint: watch Matty b)

Workout: 7 rounds of:
One minute of work, followed by one minute of rest
During the minute of work complete 2 rounds of:
5 Dead Lifts; body weight 5 Pull-ups
If you finish the two rounds in less than two minutes, you get added rest.
If you do not finish the two rounds in one minute, you stop and count partial rounds

Log in your results on the PROGRESS FORM

PROGRESS BULLETIN: As of 8pm, 1-7-09
Did you follow your Nutrition Plan?  Yes  90%  No  10%
Did you follow your Maintenance Plan? Yes 90% No  10%
Did you follow your Fitness Plan? Yes  93% No  7%