The best way to conquer a fear is to face it. Who's afraid of FRAN? Apparently, a lot of CrossFitters. Over time, several versions and variations of Fran have evolved, perhaps born out of the fear of FRAN. To look at something from every angle, break it down, examine its parts, and rebuild it into several variations, is to know it well. Attacking Fran from different angles, "playing" with the basic movements of Fran, can help alleviate some of the paralyzing fear that creeps up when we show up at the gym and learn that the WOD is FRAN. Maybe you've heard of (or tried) 'Heavy Fran,' 'Fran on Crack,' 'Virtual Fran,' 'Frelen'...
Surely the list will go on... What other versions of Fran are out there?
5 rounds for time of:
65 overhead squat, 21 reps
21Knees to elbow
Burpee Challenge: 55 burpees today