
Allison and Peter are at the Right Place, and at the Right time!

There is a CrossFit saying: "The magic is in the movements, the art in the programming, the science is in the explanation." When performing the movements we want virtuosity. Quality movement with full range of motion. Here is a video of our very own Pat Barber doing "Nate" MOV. We want all of our athletes to go as fast and make it look good. Nice work Pat!!!


How far should we diminish the quality in sake of a faster time?
Is too much quality a problem?

Workout: "Nate"

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings
Burpee Challenge: 20 burpees today. 210 to buy-in.

Day 25, August 7th, is the last day to buy-in to our Burpee Challenge. I suggest you start your own Challenge at Day 1, if you like the idea of the Challenge and want to do it after this date. Part of the idea behind the Challenge is to slowly work your way up from 1 to 100, so buying in a quarter of the way into the Challenge defeats the purpose. If you would like to buy-in before Day 25, let me know. malleejs@gmail.com. Thanks to all of you who are participating.