Balance Your Body Through Food

1 apple, 2 ounces of cheese, and 6 almonds is what we call two zone perfect blocks. This is a typical zone snack in the CrossFit world of eating to not only be healthy, but also to achieve great performance results.

Saturday, May 17th we will hold a Beach Workout followed by a Zone Information Session and Zone Challenge Announcement. We will meet at the gym at 10am before heading to the beach. Bring sunscreen, a towel and beach-worthy clothes (just in case!), and be ready to have lots of fun and learn more on how to take the next step towards reaching your health and fitness goals. If you have been contemplating trying the Zone, now is the time to do it!

Check out Dr. Berry Sear's site for more on the Zone Diet.


5 rounds of:
500 meter row
10 overhead squats (men use 95 pounds, women use 65 pounds)
10 ring dips