Here to Climb

Adrian of San Francisco CrossFit, walked into our gym yesterday with Patrick and stated that he would love to do some rope climbs as he doesn't often have access to ropes during a workout. So, I gave them and the 6pm class a workout that Greg A came up with while guest teaching a class at CrossFit OKC. He further perfected it at CrossFit Marina last year when we stopped by to workout with the Serranos. So, you all should be happy to know that many have suffered through this one!


5 rounds of:
2 minutes max Wall Balls (men use 20 pounds, women use 14 pounds)
2 minutes max Rope Climbs (our ropes are about 20 feet high)
2 minutes rest

Peter and Amy keeping up a good pace on the wall balls.

Patrick and Adrian recovering.

Adrian, Brian, Andrew, Patrick, Gilly, Amy and Peter (left to right). Way to hang tough, everyone, through a really demanding workout!