Happy Holidays

Brian taking a shot.

Remember, this Christmas, while you are eating your dinners and laughing, that in another house there is an empty chair where a hero should be sitting. They gave their life so that you can sit with your family. So light a candle this Christmas for our fallen heroes that did not make it back ...and for those still serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere.

-Lauren Jenai



Rest Day

Happy Holidays

Brian taking a shot.

Remember, this Christmas, while you are eating your dinners and laughing, that in another house there is an empty chair where a hero should be sitting. They gave their life so that you can sit with your family. So light a candle this Christmas for our fallen heroes that did not make it back ...and for those still serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere.

-Lauren Jenai



Rest Day

12 Days of Fun

IMG_4136Leo getting set.

We are running a limited schedule over the holidays.  In an effort to let our coaches and atheletes spend time with family and friends.  During the limited holiday schedule we are hoping to see a lot of you come in.  Classes may run long and we will surely allow for some extra social time.  So feel free to enjoy the holiday food and know you can always come in for a good workout. 

Happy Holidays! 



1 BW Clean & Jerk
2 BW Deadlift
3 Burpee
4 Pull-up
5 Wall Ball
6 Box Jump
7 Kettle Bell Swings
8 Jumping Ring Dip
9 Push-up
10 Hip Extension
11 GHD Sit-up
12 BW Front Squat

The workout is done like the 12 Days of Christmas song. 

Check out last years video to see how it goes. 12 Day WoD


12 Days of Fun

IMG_4136Leo getting set.

We are running a limited schedule over the holidays.  In an effort to let our coaches and atheletes spend time with family and friends.  During the limited holiday schedule we are hoping to see a lot of you come in.  Classes may run long and we will surely allow for some extra social time.  So feel free to enjoy the holiday food and know you can always come in for a good workout. 

Happy Holidays! 



1 BW Clean & Jerk
2 BW Deadlift
3 Burpee
4 Pull-up
5 Wall Ball
6 Box Jump
7 Kettle Bell Swings
8 Jumping Ring Dip
9 Push-up
10 Hip Extension
11 GHD Sit-up
12 BW Front Squat

The workout is done like the 12 Days of Christmas song. 

Check out last years video to see how it goes. 12 Day WoD



IMG_3680Lucas working a new postition.

Using a variety of movements we train the body to be ready for anything.  Be it wide feet or narrow, face in or face out, the goal is to find new ways to challenge ourselves.  Both physically and mentally.  Changing hand position on pull-ups may make you slower, but it might lead to great capacity down the road.  Don't get comfortable with a movement, seek out variety.



Rest Day


2010 Holiday Schedule


IMG_3680Lucas working a new postition.

Using a variety of movements we train the body to be ready for anything.  Be it wide feet or narrow, face in or face out, the goal is to find new ways to challenge ourselves.  Both physically and mentally.  Changing hand position on pull-ups may make you slower, but it might lead to great capacity down the road.  Don't get comfortable with a movement, seek out variety.



Rest Day


2010 Holiday Schedule

Get Creative

Working on internal rotation in extension.

"Every body has a different body" is something Coach Burgener always mentions when talking about proper set up for the Olympic lifts. He understands that each and every athlete has different needs and runs into different challenges as we search for better performance.  We try and help that journey by providing as many tools as possible.  We ask that you take what we give you and get creative. Search and explore your body and find new ways to be better.



225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Handstand Push-ups
135 pound Squat Clean, 15 reps
15 Ring Dips
95 pound Barbell Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups



Thursday December 23rd:   Regular class schedule
Friday  December 24th:  8:00am and 10:00am only
Saturday December 25th:  Christmas Day Closed
Sunday  December 26th:  10:00am only
Monday December 27th thurough Friday December 31st:  8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm only


Get Creative

Working on internal rotation in extension.

"Every body has a different body" is something Coach Burgener always mentions when talking about proper set up for the Olympic lifts. He understands that each and every athlete has different needs and runs into different challenges as we search for better performance.  We try and help that journey by providing as many tools as possible.  We ask that you take what we give you and get creative. Search and explore your body and find new ways to be better.



225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Handstand Push-ups
135 pound Squat Clean, 15 reps
15 Ring Dips
95 pound Barbell Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups



Thursday December 23rd:   Regular class schedule
Friday  December 24th:  8:00am and 10:00am only
Saturday December 25th:  Christmas Day Closed
Sunday  December 26th:  10:00am only
Monday December 27th thurough Friday December 31st:  8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm only