Leo getting set.
We are running a limited schedule over the holidays. In an effort to let our coaches and atheletes spend time with family and friends. During the limited holiday schedule we are hoping to see a lot of you come in. Classes may run long and we will surely allow for some extra social time. So feel free to enjoy the holiday food and know you can always come in for a good workout.
Happy Holidays!
1 BW Clean & Jerk
2 BW Deadlift
3 Burpee
4 Pull-up
5 Wall Ball
6 Box Jump
7 Kettle Bell Swings
8 Jumping Ring Dip
9 Push-up
10 Hip Extension
11 GHD Sit-up
12 BW Front Squat
The workout is done like the 12 Days of Christmas song.
Check out last years video to see how it goes. 12 Day WoD