Two Cues

Bailey stable overhead.

To be stable overhead it is key to have tight trunk and active shoulders.  In the photo above we can see an athlete with "armpits exposed" and "ribs down". Two cues we often use to get athletes in better position.


Rember to pre-order you CrossFit Santa Cruz hoodie this week.



Front Squat


Two Cues

Bailey stable overhead.

To be stable overhead it is key to have tight trunk and active shoulders.  In the photo above we can see an athlete with "armpits exposed" and "ribs down". Two cues we often use to get athletes in better position.


Rember to pre-order you CrossFit Santa Cruz hoodie this week.



Front Squat


Party On Wayne

IMG_3209Tyler getting proper depth on his ring dips.

Many have been asking for a CrossFit Santa Cruz hoodie. We have chosen a brand and there is a sample of the mens and the womens versions at the gym. If you pre-order your sweatshirt you will save $10 so sign up at the gym for a size and a color if you want to save some cash.


We are very happy to announce that this year's Holiday Party will be the evening of Saturday December 18th. Kai and Brad have graciously offered to host us all at their home, so mark your calendars for it is sure to be a great time.



Rest Day

Best Position

IMG_3164 Olivia in fantastic position.

A solid rack position for the front squat and the clean can be hard to achieve. Olivia has mastered the three major points of performance; The bar rests in her hand, her elbows are even or higher than her shoulder and her upper back is flat. With the guidance of Kelly Starrett and over the past year we have given you many tools to help you get better at this position. What mobility tool works best for you for the shoulder, chest, wrist, forearm or upper back?



Five Rounds of:
135lb Overhead Squat Max Reps
Max Reps Ring Dip
Rest 3:00

Getting There

IMG_3145 Beth with a post workout glow.

It is December, the last month of the year and a great time to refelect and look back on your accomplishments. We have been trucking along on the cohort challenge and many people are meeting some short term goals. But what about your new years resolutions from the start of 2010, how have they come along?



For Time:
100 Box Jump
50 Pull ups
50 Push Ups
100 Walking Lunge Steps

Post WoD

IMG_3092 Diana, Mary and K.K. after a workout.

During the workout we need to be paying attention to the task at hand. After a workout our attention often shifts to the people around us. We like to ask eachother how it went, how it felt and generally commiserate about the work we did. It is important to stay focused on your own workout during class. And equally important to take the commmunity into account before and after by saying hello, catching up, and saying good bye when you leave.


From the Archives:
WoD Demo "Annie Are You OK" [wmv] or youtube version



"Annie are you ok?"

15-12-9 each of:

Row, for calories
Med Ball Clean
Wall Balls

Welcome Aboard

Jody pushing herself as usual

Jody is new to the gym but it feels like she has been here forever. Her enthusiasm, desire to do the movements well, and relaxed additude have made her a welcome addition to the team. Jody is a firefighter and general bad ass with a calm demanor and a strong work ethic. We are glad to have you on board Jody.



Five Rounds for time of:
225lb Back Squat 10 Reps
Handstand Push Up 10 reps

A Little Help

Kristin focused on getting better at everything.

In our journey to become weightlifting, sprinting, gymnasts we need to constantly re-evaluate how we move. We must always try to do things with better mechanics then faster and finally with more weight. Sometimes in order to get the later two, we need to take a step back to the first. Focus on mechanics will make you a better sprinting, weightlifing, gymnast.  Re-adressing your mechanics may mean light weight, slower times, or a  little help from a rubberband. Don't worry the slow road will pay off.

-Coach D



For time 155lb Jerk 30 reps
rest 3:00
For time 155lb Power Clean 30 reps


Happy Birthday to Coach Gilly!