Anouk, Lucas and Forrest
Quarterfinals Individual Test 5
For time:
21 deadlifts, weight 1 (lightest)
21 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 deadlifts, weight 2
15 bar muscle-ups
9 deadlifts, weight 3 (heaviest)
9 rope climbs (15 ft)
Men: 225, 275, 315 lb
Women: 155, 185, 205 lb
Time cap: 15 minutes
Meal Train for Lucas, Anouk and Baby Girl
Our friends, Lucas and Anouk, expect the arrival of their baby girl any time now! To support them as they transition to a family of three (humans), plus Tony, of course, we have set up a Meal Train for them.
If you’d like to participate, please learn more and sign up here.