Sunday, October 16



For total load:
Sled push 50 ft

Upcoming Events

Sleep 101 with Dr. Kim Babson

What: A 1 hour presentation on sleep education including sleep principles and strategies
When: Saturday, October 22 at 10:30 a.m.
Where: CrossFit Santa Cruz
How: Sign up on Pike13
Cost: No charge to attend, but we ask for a contribution to one of the following:

  • CrossFit Santa Cruz scholarship fund (talk to a coach about how to contribute)

  • Hearts for Paws Rescue (donate online)

Pumpkin Carving Fun

What: Pumpkin-themed event
When: Saturday, October 29th at 10:15 a.m. (workout) and 11:15 a.m. (carving)
Where: CrossFit Santa Cruz
Details: BYOP (pumpkin) and your family for a pumpkin workout at 10:15 a.m. followed by pumpkin carving and hangout at 11:15. Some light snacks and drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring food and drink to share!