Tuesday, April 14

CrossFit Kids

15-minute AMRAP:
10 single-arm snatches, right arm
5 single-arm overhead squats, right arm
10 single-arm snatches, left arm
5 single-arm overhead squats, left arm
50 air squats

Notes: For the snatch, pick a load that allows you to go unbroken for all 10 reps. Both ends of the dumbbell should touch the floor at the bottom, and the movement finishes locked out overhead.

For the overhead squat, keep the spine neutral, feet flat, arm straight, and hip crease below the top of the knee. If you’re not able to maintain position and find depth with the dumbbell overhead, lower it to the shoulder and perform single dumbbell front squats.

The air squats have no load—just move cleanly and quickly.