Side By Side

Madeline and Laurisa

It has been so nice to see Madeline in the gym over the last week. She is positive, motivated, coachable and most delightful. Since she has left Santa Cruz, she has continued to do CrossFit on her own at a globo gym. Without the immediate community and accountability, it might be easy to quit CrossFit, but Madeline has stuck with it. Great job Maddie. It's been such a joy having you back in the gym.


Five rounds, each for time of:
5 big Box jumps
Broad jump 50 feet
15 small Box jumps
Rest 1 minute

For the broad jumps, jump as far as possible in order to perform as few reps as you can.

Sign up for the 2013 CrossFit Games Open! It is a fun event to be a part of and you don't want to miss out on the chance to measure your fitness.  How far have you come?  How far can you go?