Warming up for Hope
It can never be stressed enough just how important sleep is. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m an old lady trapped in a 21-year-old’s body and thoroughly enjoy going to bed at 9:30. But even I sometimes get caught up in life and responsibilities and forget to look out for my best interests and well being.
Sleep is often underestimated, especially when you’re in college where finishing something on time means finishing it 3 hours before it’s due (procrastination? It’s a lifestyle). For me personally, without at least 8 hours of sleep I become a zombie-like creature whose sasstitude increases exponentially.
Without sleep, your hormones are confused, your stress levels raise, your brain slows down, and if you’re anything like me, you begin to consume everything in sight and feel like Ms. Pacman. And as much as I would like to think my workouts are still great when I’m tired, they aren’t. Those are the days when my push-up looks even more like a strugglefest than usual and even my lucky bacon shirt can’t help a sistah out.
Regardless of what your schedule looks like, it is incredibly important to take care of yourself in all aspects of life (hydration, nutrition, etc.), but especially in making sure you are getting enough sleep.
So try to make a conscious effort tonight, turn off your electronics and go to bed early. Or even nap! Cat naps are where it’s at (have I convinced you yet that my real age is 88?) Try getting 8 hours of sleep and see how you feel the next day. See if you don’t feel more energized and ready to PR your snatch by 10 pounds (Spealler obviously got a full night’s sleep the night before his PR at the South West Regional ... ergo, get 8 hours of sleep and you can compete at the CrossFit Games too!)
Rest day