MacKenzie working oneof many handstand push variations.
Breaking movements down into smaller peices, mastering the parts and then stringing them together is a great way to improve your efficency and power. We start with the air squat the deadlift and the shoulder press because everything gets more complicated from there. Keep working the pieces and you will get where you intend to go.
Check out Kelsey in this weeks CrossFit Games Update Show.
Five rounds of
Row 1:00, max calories
Kettlebell swing 1:00, max reps
Rest 1:00
Workout 12.3 of the Open will be released tonight. If you are unable to make it on Saturday for competition you need to A: let us know so we do not assign you a heat time and B: show up Thursday at 4:15 or 6:30 to pre-do your workout C: log your scores as soon as possible