Coach Hollis


Hollis Molloy | Owner



I grew up in Telluride, a small town in Colorado, at an elavtion of 8,750ft.  From the ages of 5-14 I spent my winter months skiing.  I was on the local ski race team and competed seriously until my family moved to Santa Cruz.  Once in Santa Cruz my attempts at finding a new sport were never realized, however, while studying psychology at Humboldt state university, I developed a love for the game of Golf.  I took several college courses and played frequently during the school year.  After my graduation I moved home and began working as an electrician.  My sporting life was put on hold.  By 2005 I had become over weight and out of shape.  I reached 260 pounds, my heaviest in my life.  Determined to do something, I began swimming with my sister, a collegiate-level water polo player and coach.  She had recently attended a CrossFit level 1 seminar and had started coaching.

Walking into the doors of the now legendary HQ in Santa Cruz was a life changing moment. I was introduced to Annie Sakamoto, Tony Budding and Nicole Carroll.  I quickly knew I had found a home and my life's calling.  From that moment on, I have considered myself a lifelong student of CrossFit.  I was lucky enough to travel with the HQ staff while Coach Glassman was still lecturing at the seminars and learned from his expertise over the months and years.  I studied under Nicole Carroll for several months before I started coaching on my own.  I am proud to continue the traditions I learned and I am committed to building a community of highly skilled professional trainers and life-long clientèle.

I currently train athletes every day at the gym and develop content for the CrossFit journal.  I have traveled to numerous specialty certifications to generate featured video articles and have had the unique experience of filming Coach Burgener, Kelly Starrett, Brian MacKenzie, Curtis Bowler as well as the 2008 and 2009 CrossFit games with Sevan Matossian and Carey Peterson.   

My sister and I now own and run CrossFit Santa Cruz.  We believe that better movement and increased range of motion are the cornerstones of fitness and that quality coaching is a pivotal part of one's experience in a CrossFit gym.  It is my goal to share my passion for CrossFit and the science of human performance with anyone and everyone willing to listen. 


"When I first met Hollis Molloy during a CrossFit level I seminar in February, 2006, his enthusiasm for the Olympic lifts was obvious.  Since then he has attended and helped with several of my CrossFit Olympic weightlifting certifications and seminars and has developed a critical eye for the clean & jerk and snatch.  As a coach, Hollis accepts nothing less than solid technique from his athletes.  He and his sister run an outstanding facility at CrossFit Santa Cruz."

-Coach Mike Burgener


"There are few coaches that are able to effectively blend technical ability, passion, and the capacity to understand and address an athlete's weaknesses as well as Coach Hollis.

He has that rare ability to elicit improved performance outcomes for athletes of any sport.  I have known Hollis as a coach for years and I am always impressed with how quickly he is able to integrate both the short and long term needs and goals of his athletes through effective programming. Hollis Molloy is a coach's coach."

-Kelly Starrett DPT


"Hollis has a profound understanding of the foundational elements of CrossFit, a meticulous eye for movement, and an unrelenting commitment to excellence."

-Tony Budding


"His ability to break the movements how I finally was able to get a pull up.... I just could not have done it without his help." —Theresa B.

“Hollis got me to pass my firefighter physical test. I will always be grateful to his dedication to preparing me to reach my goals” —Celeste S.   
