Focus and Determination are critical to success in anything. It is simple to come in and go hard one day or focus on a a new skill for a moment. Dabbling in anything wont get you nearly as far as working your butt off day in and day out. Returning to your skills over and over agian, paying atention to the details and constantly re-addressing technique will take you very far. And that type of additude will pay off in the rest of your life as well. Go get after it!
Three rounds of:
Pull ups, max reps while remaining hanging on the bar for 60 seconds
Ring dips, max reps while remaining in support on the rings for 60 seconds
2 pood Kettlebell swings, max reps without setting down the bell for 60 seconds
Wall climbs, max reps in 60 seconds, resting only in the handstand
Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between rounds.