Chris, owner operator of El Salchichero.
We recommend a diet of meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. In Santa Cruz are lucky to have fresh organic produce and locally raised meats. One of the crown jewels in the Santa Cruz food scene in el Salchichero. el Salchichero uses pasture-raised animals from N-A Ranch, Devil's Gulch Ranch, Claravale Farm, and Ratay Ranch. These ranches believe in sustainable agriculture and treating their animals with the utmost respect. el Salchichero is also proud to use fire-roasted and dried chilies along with other herbs and produce from Lindencroft Farm, a small family-run organic farm in Ben Lomond. Chris also frequents the Farmers' Markets to pick up ingredients for each week's creations.
In a recent conversation with Chris, he told me that he would be willing to offer a 10% discount to all CrossFit Santa Cruz members! We are very lucky to have a community butcher so close and with such great food. Support our community butcher and get some of the best meat around.
Three rounds for time of:
155 pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps
10 Handstand push-up