Cara, Laurie, Jesse and Tyler, the machines.
The 3rd annual Santa Cruz Affiliate Cup was a day to remember. For some athletes it was their very first CrossFit competition; for others with more experience it was just one more notch to add to a long list of past competitions. But no matter the experience level, every single team threw down hard with an intensity that matched the day's unforgiving heat and shouting spectators. It seemed as the reps increased so too did the decibels. And when one member struggled with a particular movement or set - trying to catch their breath in a room filled with chalk dust and humidity - another team member would calmly step in to finish the task at hand. This type of "I got your back" mentality is not only a hallmark of any great team, it is also indicative of a core group of people who intimately understand each others strengths and weaknesses. Who push each other to achieve maximum potential. Who are there for each other during times of failure and success. This type of camaraderie speaks volumes about the type of athletes we produce here at CrossFit Santa Cruz. This is why I always say CFSC is more than just a place to get a workout in, it is a place to spend time with some truly special people. CFSC is more than evidence based fitness, it is also community based. We are definitely one big family. That was made evident on Saturday.
- Dahlberg
Rx'd Division:
1st Place - Cara, Laurie, Jesse, Tyler
3rd Place - Karla, Bailey, Heber, Leif
Intermediate Division:
1st Place - Kyle, Fust, Daniel, Megan 1, Megan 2, Hannah
2nd Place - Dahlberg, Desmond, Sean F, Angel, Jody, Nicole
5th Place - TJ, Max, Olivia, Jill
6th Place - Peter, Matt, Kevin, Anne, KK, Mackenzie
8th Place - Sean D, Sonny, Diana, Allison, Hana
50+ Division:
2nd Place - LG2, Darlene, Sarah, Beth, Iris, Carole, Megan 3
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
45 pound Overhead waling lunge, 100 feet
Run 400 meters