
Olivia at regionals two years ago.

Olivia is re-entering the CrossFit competition world this Saturday after having baby Zella. Along with 41 other athletes from the gym she will represent our affiliate with style. We are so looking forward to cheering on all of our members who are going to put it out there this Saturday!

We have been planning strategy, trying out movement standards, and signing waivers. The count down is on. If you are competing please come to the gym between 5 and 6 on Friday night for a "CFSC team meeting" Cobb says the bbq will on and meat will be done around 5:30. We can go over last minute outfit decisions, final strategic plans, and make sure all our waivers are signed and money is turned in. If you can not come please make sure to talk to your team captain so you can get your athlete number and t-shirt (Cara, Bailey, Sonnny, Kevin, Olivia, Kyle, or Beth).  This is sure to be a fantasitc experience and a fun day.



In teams of two-four

Complete 2 rounds for time of:

Run 200 meters
30 Pull-ups
30 Wall Ball shots
30 Kettle bell swings