Legends Annie Sakamoto and Dave Leys
On October 22nd we will get together for a local CrossFit competition where we will go against teams from Soquel, Harvey West, next door, and Scotts Valley. We have over thirty athletes signed up to compete in the RX'd, Intermediate, and over 50 divisions. The purpose behind the event is to get a broader sense of the Santa Cruz CrossFit community and have a good time. Santa Cruz is the birth place of CrossFit and it is no surprise that all over the county there are thriving communities of athletes squatting, deadlifitng and doing pull ups. The opportunity to compete and get to meet people from other local affiliates is fantastic. 12 days to competition day, count down is on.
The workouts will be announced this Saturday. Team assignments will be on the whiteboard at the gym.
2:00 Monkey bar passes
2:00 P-bar passes
2:00 Hurdle jumps
2:00 Reverse burpee