CrossFit is hard. And while the community created while doing it is supportive and encouraging, there’s no getting around the hard work, pain, commitment and daily grind that is required to be a CrossFitter. The extraordinary thing is we all know it and thrive in this environment. Not just because our coaches tell us we should, but because we know that to truly improve ourselves we must do the work ourselves.
We now want to extend this same attitude into the DIY Food Challenge. Just like the workouts, we’ll instruct you with what to do, but it’s up to you to do it. To participate you must commit to preparing ALL of your own meals for six weeks. No eating out. No pre-packaged meals. Just you, the ingredients you buy, and your ability to prepare them.
Naturally, we’ll all be there for each other with recipes, information and support along the way.
Why do it yourself?
• One huge reason is that it requires planning. You are far more likely to stick to eating good food if you’ve already planned to do it. When you’re tired, at large, and hungry it’s very easy to just grab some unhealthy food. If the unhealthy food is not an option, we can"t eat it.
• You also aren’t going to deliberately sabotage your own diet plan when you have to make it yourself. Why would you go to the effort to cook yourself food that is bad for you? Isn’t that a total waste of your time?
• It works. In looking around at those people in our gym who consistently eat good (consistently as in over the span of years, not just days or weeks) they all prepare the majority of their own food. Cleary this is a good habit that is worth trying for all of us.
What do you say… are you in?
21-15 and 9 reps for time of:
135 pound Clean
Ring dip
Labor Day Schedule: We will be holding our standard weekend/holiday schedule on Monday. 8am and 10am class only.
ANNOUNCEMENT: No CrossFit Kids Classes for Labor Day weekend--we'll resume next week!